Play, I mean the game

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Play, I mean the game

Why should I buy a game, if I can rent myself an e-boy, or better yet, pretty e-girl who will play a game for me and entertain me all the time up until the last ring of the bell.

Is creating a stream actually an art?

Do you, or me in such case, feel sated for my hunger for creativity sparks in me when I create, walk through and talk my way out of predefined set of troubles? Maybe I should play poker with cheaters like me? I do not feel sated after streaming and recording voice overs to my play through of Baldur's Gate 3. It actually made me bored of the game, and foresee that it's just a grind, a grind of lost time in pursue of some distant "enchantment" called...

What art is good for streaming?

I personally think that the best result you might get with art that can be touched, and that you might sell afterwards, like painting, sculpting or in fact, not tangible asset like a feeling or vibe, unless you catch the vibe by the neck and record it in full spectrum. Acting? Not so much... Playing guitar? Everybody can strum six strings with different results, but it's too popular to stand out in a crowd, unless you sell it later to... Yeah, who? One person in wave file? Digital distributor to enable streaming to even broader public, or just to practice before your night show at the local bar/disco? Whatever. Sell me something touchable, and the thing I can interact with.


To stand out in a streaming crowd you have to think what are you doing in the first place. Selling your emotions, or selling product of your act of creation.

2024-11-25 06:06:09 +0100 by Neosb


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