Setup mitmproxy

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Setup mitmproxy

What is mitmproxy? It is a free and open source interactive HTTPS proxy. It is a console tool that allows interactive examination and modification of HTTP traffic. It differs from mitmdump in that all flows are kept in memory, which means that it's intended for taking and manipulating small-ish samples. It has a web interface that allows you to browse the traffic that has been intercepted.

Visit the official website


  • Homebrew
  • Firefox browser


brew install mitmproxy

Start mitmproxy

mitmproxy -p 9992

Start mitmweb

mitmweb -p 9992

Start mitmdump

mitmdump -p 9992

Mitmproxy setup process

  1. Open firefox browser (it can managa security certificates out of the system trust store)
  2. Install FoxyProxy add-on
  3. Open FoxyProxy and in options set the proxy to Type: HTTP, Hostname: localhost, Port: 9992 and save it with your desired name
  4. Enable the proxy through FoxyProxy
  5. Visit and download the certificate for Firefox
  6. Open Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> View Certificates -> Authorities -> Import and import the certificate, and allow it to identify websites
  7. Visit and see the request in mitmproxy or mitmweb


You have successfully setup mitmproxy on your system. You can now intercept and modify HTTP/S traffic.


2024-12-10 08:57:45 +0100 by Neosb


Make first impression!

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