Why macOS is my choice?

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Why Mac?

I'm from Poland, I hope to have a decent life, but war is raging on the East,
in Ukraine. Why would I talk about a gear worth thousands of dollars then?
We send arms to soldiers on the front and they like our guns. It's that,
that they're good enough, they're reliable, the're not refubrished version
of some old model, just pimped-up to look better on the photo with some
kind of politician or businessman.

The same goes for computers. You do not have a variety of choice, just some
make and basically three kind of operating system - GNU/Linux, Windows and
macOS. I'm a fan of Mac's but not a fan boy. I had once a Pro version of
MacBook, but that was a ripoff. Fan buzzing that loud that I could hear that
in my microphone for vocals (yeah, I rap). Nevertheless, connectivity of it,
was dead simple. Take any soundcard that's connecting through Thundrbolt
(any?) or USB and there's nothing else you have to do. All controls
seamlessly goes to your audio interface.

Not so easy on Windows. GNU/Linux? I tried recently - it was working, but
maybe connecting it was a mistake (since then it clicks sometimes). Order
was important. I wouldn't chose GNU/Linux for making music. Developing
an app? Internet one maybe? But definietly not facing a user with GUI that
would have to go full rounds of business cycle. Banks use Windows as a
main platform for trading, and you know how much asset manager has cash for
spare? He could buy your home in an instan, sell it in an hour and borrow
it for a day to you still making profit from 1000 of other homes he traded
in a batch. Funny how developers bragg about money, crypto and such. Wiocha.

Then why Mac? Beside a fan there's nothing my Mac can't do. It streams
games from my Windows using Steam (it's laggy, I know, but that's how I
utilize two machines) and going into art and engineering, there's nothing
that can beat a beefy Mac. Then why I haven't already bought myself an M2 or
Mac Pro? - I'm from Poland you know. Child support is not covering my
MacBook needs... Thus I will wait untill they secondhand price drops low,
and then I can afford it. Did I mention that both of my current machines
from secondhand? And the're both pimped up enough to handle my needs until
the drop. But do you think I will sell, or simply stop using my Air? Not Today.

Szymon & 🎶

2023-06-24 07:19:56 +0200 by Neosb


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